Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Sreshtachara Sabha

                                                                     Sreshtachara Sabha                                                                                                                                                                          

Gayathri Maha Yagam 2010             Quantum physics agrees with Tantra and  Vedanta                         Swadeshi Science Movement                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Prosperity through Individuals                                                                                                               
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Sreshtachara Sabha was formed under the guidance of Acharya M.T.Viswanathan , a scholar and a  Sree Vidhya Upasaka , around 16 years ago in Calicut, Kerala to spread the message of Sadhana to the common man.

This is a non profitable organization , Its doors are always open for sadhakas and students without caste or creed discrimination .Since 1995 ,till today the sabha had given adhyayanam to more than 1500 aspirants and encourages them to perform these rituals throughout their life as a part of Sadhana .A notable faction of its students ,who successfully completed their training , is engaged in the work of propagating this knowledge in the society.

The background:

If we look back two to three generations, we see that we had a tradition of mantra japam / Sadhana in our families. This was not done by Sanyasis, but by our family members or in other words, the ‘Gruhastha’. Our forefathers lived a peaceful life due to their Sadhana and Thapass. Apparently we lost our culture of japam or sadhana of any kind.Every family has a kula devatha (Family godess), In kerala for 95% of the families it is Bhadra Kali. Kula devathas protect the entire family from hardship and challenges. But now, many of us do not know about our Kula Devatha. Of the few who know, many do not know why and how to worship our Kula Devatha.Ganapathy Homa and Bhagavathy Seva used to be performed in every house for overall benefit of all family members, and it was performed by head of the family, irrespective of caste or creed and not someone from the outside.Over the course of years, due to influence of western thoughts, we lost this culture and are forced to hire someone to perform Pujas and other rituals for us. We let our basic culture go from our hands.

Srestachara Sabha was formed to revive this golden culture into our society.

How Srestachara Sabha works in our society

People from all walks of life irrespective of sex, caste or creed are provided guidance and training in mantra sadhana and also in performing various rituals by themselves in the true meaning with scientific and logical reasoning of its significance in our lives. Till date, the divine message of Sadhana and Thappassu has reached more than 1000 families.

Sadhana for Gruhasthan (family man)

a) To live life in its true meaning and essence and not to leave our desires and wishes behind, but to fulfill them effectively according to sanadhana dharma. Regular Sadhana attains a person purity in thought, makes him brave enough to face challenges.

b) Self Mutation:

According to the post modern science, we have traits of seven generations before us. The answer to how or from whom we get our body, our character and our thought process is with no doubt from our father and mother. And similarly, they get theirs, from their parents. In short, we inherit the genes from our parents and our forefathers. This is the basic reason that when we offer rituals, we offer it for seven generations before us.At the gene level, which we inherited from our parents, and we will pass this to our kids. All our traits (physical, behavioural, psychological) both positive and negative are embedded in the gene. If there are changes within us, if we cultivate more goodness, the corresponding change will be reflected in the gene level. This has been scientifically proven.

So if we are able to refine or fine tune our gene to a better one, by all means, our next generation will be gifted with a better gene than us. If we had removed the negatives within us, they will be born with more positive energy than us. If we inspire them to live this way, new generation will have more positive forces than us. If we can create a conscious change now, we can create a generation equivalent to God or the Devas.

The question now, is how to remove the negative forces within us? The answer is very simple. Increase the positive force within us. Increase the divinity with in us. Practise sadhana, Positive mantras will purify us and increase divinity within. This is the sole and the only purpose of any kind of sadhana. And all our rituals and poojas are just a tool to accomplish this. This is basic essence of Tantra, which means ‘a technique’. - Technique to increase the divinity within.

c) To have a better life:

Many a times, we are unable to attain our goals whether materialistic or spiritual due to our limitations. This may be internal or external. To overcome these limitations, our own efforts alone may not be sufficient, so we fail or just we give up.
To overcome these obstacles, we need the support or help of the divine ,We need more iswareeyatha within us. Sadhana is the answer to this. Sadhana increases the positive energy that is exists within us.

Srestachara Sabha guides the common man to live a responsible, meaningful and complete life and teaches the techniques to increase divinity within

Social prosperity through individuals

Free Training to prepare PSC exams

Inspired by Sreshtachara Sabha, a group of teachers came forward to train the examination aspirants for Public Service Commission entrance examinations .
As a result of which, Sreshtachara Sabha conducts free training for the aspirants.

Free counseling
Sreshtachara Sabha provides counseling to the needy, giving importance to both the individual and the society based on Bharatheeya Samskara. This helps a lot of families and individuals to overcome their problems.

Swadeshi Science Movement

 Swadeshi Science Movement
    SSM is a nationalistic, patriotic and humanistic science movement where science involving both technology and engineering is aimed at social development,social harmony ecological balance and environmental sanctity . Its a totally constructive and positive movement. It stands for propagating and establishing the Bharatheeya world view on science ,where from a single frame work ,all the three knowledge systems viz , natural science, social science, spiritual science ,have been developed integrally , historically and all inclusively , right from the Vedic times .

It stands to teach the younger generation the untold contributions and history of our great grandfathers and mothers. These will inspire them and give the courage and confidence to follow those foot steps. SSM Kerala has to take them to the modern world and equip them to face the challenges and to move forward.With one hand on the line of our traditional knowledge and culture. It inspires the younger generation of this land to walk forward to the future with strong steps and full conviction.
It inspires them to regain the past glory and reconstruct this world  into a paradise of peace and prosperity

After Shri C.V.Raman we have none to be proud of among the golden array of Nobel Laureates. Apart from J.C.Bose, M.N.Saha and a few others , we are in bankruptcy of young scientific talents. We neither understand the treasure of our traditional wisdom nor generate modern scientific and technological innovations with strong
philosophical base . Though the thoughts and dreams are sprouting among the crores, which is plenty enough to make this country an unchallengeable one in science, technology and engineering, the move is not
gaining amble momentum 

SSM stands for :

  1. To bring together of the country engaged in research work in the field of science and technology
  2. To create awareness and giving exposure to the young generation about the scientific and technological needs of our country
  3. To have the interface between senior scientists and technocrats and the young scientific community
  4. To synchronies the social needs with the existing and forthcoming research work in the country, familiarizing the youngsters with the achievements of the country's R&D institutions.
  5. To identify the young and creative minds and encourage them with proper support and guidance
  6. To raise the quality and level of research on science in various fields
  7. To encourage the multidisciplinary interactions

Tuesday, 2 March 2010



Post modern physics agrees with Tantra and Vedanta

Post modern physics agrees with Vedanta

According to the post modern theories of physics the base of the universe is Consciousness "Sudha Botham" .

Physics agreed this after the wonderful experiment called "Aspects Experiment" .Its accepted that
the universe is formed from " consciousness " . The consciousness is the creator of the universe; everything is being formed from this consciousness.

Our great Rishis's found this long back, Our Upanishads start from here ,The universe is created from this consciousness. Before the big bang there was nothing but this pure consciousness, We named  this consciousness as the God. This is the real concept of GOD in Sanadhana Dharma .This consciousness is embedded in any creation in this universe. We are a physical form of this chaithanyam.

Prajnanam Brahman
Absolute consciousness is Brahman
( Aitareya Upanishad 3.3 of Rig Veda )

But we are not experiencing this, So Tantra is a technique to realize or experience this reality; the aim of any spiritual paths is to experience or realize this consciousness and to understand that we are ultimately nothing but pure consciousness . 

All our rituals and poojas (If understood correctly) are meant to expand our mind to this greater reality of pure consciousness 

Tat – Tvam –Asi Thou art that (Brahmam)
Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7 of Sama Veda , Kaivalya Upanishad

Ayam Atman Brahman – This self is Brahman
Mandukya Upanishad 1.2 of Atharva Veda

Aham Brahmasmi – I am Brahman
Brahadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10 of Yajur Veda ,Mahanarayana Upanishad

Sarvam Kalvidam Brahmam – Every thing is verily Brahmam
Chondokya Upanishad 3.14

For reference and a detailed explanation

  • The Tao of Physics ,by  Fritjof Capra
  • The Self aware Universe ,by  Amit Goswami
  • Time-space Aspects in Vendanta, by E.C.G.Sudarshan

    Physics meets the GOD

    How quantum physics meets GOD? 

    How modern Physics reaches to Indian Spirituality or Sanadhana Dharma.

    From childhood itself, a common man hears the word ‘God’. But who is God or what you mean by this ‘Supreme Power’ we shall explain this in the light of modern Physics. I

    n fact, science and Spirituality has a clear link in between. In the past we lost this connection somehow and science took a turn towards materialistic approach

    Lets first see the evolution of Physics : 

           Until the invention of quantum physics, scientists were thinking that everything in this Universe is made up of matter. This approach had a drawback that it couldn’t establish the common link between all the creations in the Universe. For example it couldn’t explain the thought process clearly; in other words, it couldn’t explain why the thoughts of one person affect the other. 

    Now Science is re-establishing the link to spirituality through quantum physics. 

    In 1924, Louis de Broglie proposed the idea that just as light has both wave-like and particle-like properties, matter also has wave-like properties. Then the scientists began to realize that there are other levels of reality than the material level. Soon the differentiation between particle and waves began to vanish. 

    At the University of Aberdeen, George Thomson passed a beam of electrons through a thin metal film and observed the predicted interference patterns. At Bell Labs, Davisson and Germer, guided their beam through a crystalline grid. Similar wave-like phenomena were later shown for atoms and even small molecules. Then the era of quantum physics born

     The scientists began to view object as quantum objects which has the property of both particle and wave. This is the concept of wave-particle duality: neither the classical concepts of "particle" or "wave" can fully describe the behavior of quantum-scale objects, either photons or matter. Wave-particle duality is an example of the principle of complementarity in quantum physics. 

    Complementarity is the notion that a single quantum mechanical entity can behave either as a particle or as wave, but never simultaneously as both; a stronger manifestation of the particle nature leads to a weaker manifestation of the wave nature and vice versa. The principle states that sometimes an object can have several (apparently) contradictory properties. Sometimes we can switch back and forth between the different views, but we can never see both at the same time. 

    But in reality, the figure exists as BOTH at the same time, but we can only perceive or view it one at a time, and never together. For example, we can think of electrons as both a particle or a wave or stream of particles depending on the situation. An object being a particle AND a wave, is seemingly mutually exclusive and not possible. But an electron, in some sense, is both at once.

    In general, quantum objects—objects in quantum physics—began to be looked upon as waves of possibility. But these waves cannot be considered as ordinary waves because their properties do not match with that of ordinary waves within space and time. So they began to be recognized as waves in potential, waves of possibility, and the potential was recognized as transcendent, beyond matter somehow.

    In 1982, Alain Aspect and his collaborators performed the great experiment that conclusively established the veracity of the spiritual notions, and particularly the notion of transcendence.

     This experiment proved that objects have connections with a transcendent potential outside space and time. What happened in this experiment is two photons (smallest unit of energy) emitted by an atom, which are going in opposite directions, could affect one another’s behavior at a distance without emitting any signals through space and this was instantaneous. 

    Albert Einstein showed long ago that two objects can never affect each other instantly in space without emitting any signals because any signal must travel with maximum speed limit which is that of light. So any such influence should take a finite time to travel if it is traveling through space. But in Aspect’s experiment the photons could affect each other instantly without exchanging any signals. So they are doing it faster than the speed of light.

     In short the influence could not have traveled through space. Instead the influence must belong to a domain of reality that we must recognize as the transcendent domain of reality. This transcendent domain is called consciousness. 

    This is the same supreme power what we common people call as ‘God’.

    But here one question arises. In quantum physics, every object is a possibility wave. But, we see objects as definite things. How it is possible? We are nothing but brains which is made up of cells, atoms and elementary particles. So brain itself is a possibility wave. It cannot convert itself into reality. Then how can it convert the other possibility waves to definite objects? Then who does this conversion?  The answer is consciousness because it doesn’t obey quantum physics; or it is transcendent. Consciousness is not made of material. The material world of quantum physics is just possibility. It is consciousness, through the conversion of possibility into actuality, that creates what we see manifest. In other words, consciousness creates the manifest world.

    Consciousness is the basic building block of this universe and nothing exists without consciousness. From this consciousness, material world manifests. Each and every religion tells the same. 

    For example, in Hindu philosophy, this consciousness is called Shiva or Satchitananda Brahma. And now we can establish a clear link between all creations in this universe which is consciousness; connects everything in this material world. In short we all are one in spite of our cast, nationality, color etc. If people in the world understand this fact, there will not be hatred or war anymore.

    For further reference:
    Self aware universe : Amit Goswamy


    Scientific aspect of Sadhana

    Scientific aspect of Sadhana

    There are many scientific aspects of Spiritual Sadhana we are starting with Self Mutation 

    Self Mutation:

    According to the post modern science, we have traits of seven generations before us. The answer to how or from whom we get our body, our character and our thought process is with no doubt from our father and mother. And similarly, they get theirs, from their parents. In short, we inherit the genes from our parents and our forefathers. This is the basic reason that when we offer rituals, we offer it for seven generations before us.

    At the gene level, which we inherited from our parents, and we will pass this to our kids. All our traits (physical, behavioural, psychological) both positive and negative are embedded in the gene. If there are changes within us, if we cultivate more goodness, the corresponding change will be reflected in the gene level. This has been scientifically proven.

    So if we are able to refine or fine tune our gene to a better one, by all means, our next generation will be gifted with a better gene than us. If we had removed the negatives within us, they will be born with more positive energy than us. If we inspire them to live this way, new generation will have more positive forces than us. If we can create a conscious change now, we can create a generation equivalent to God or the Devas.

    The question now, is how to remove the negative forces within us? The answer is very simple. Increase the positive force within us. Increase the divinity with in us. Practise sadhana, Positive mantras will purify us and increase divinity within. This is the sole and the only purpose of any kind of sadhana. And all our rituals and poojas are just a tool to accomplish this. This is basic essence of Tantra, which means ‘a technique’. - Technique to increase the divinity within


    What is Sadhana

    What is Sadhana (perseverance in achieving something  )

    Will be updated soon with more details

    Monday, 1 March 2010

    Discourse on Gayahtri Sadhana

    Discourse on Gayahtri  Sadhana

    By : Shri M.T.Viswanathan , a scholar and Sree Vidhya Upasak,

    Venue: Indian Heritage Centre , Koramangala, Banagalore

    Date: March 20th

    1. Importance of Gayahtri Manthra and Sadhana

    2.How sadhana could improve your

    a) Family life
    b) Personal life
    c) Peace of Mind
    d) Spiritual aspect
    e) Social responsibility
    f) World peace

    3. What is Gayahtri Yagam , its benefits to us, to our family , to human

    4. Why a grahasthan (family man ) should do sadhana

    5.  Questions and interactions  

    Questions to you .....

    Do  you have an answer

    Do you belive in faith / Destiny ? If so what is the purpose of human efforts   

    Why are you afraid of darkness ?            
    When you pray/meditate/do japma why so many thoughts are disturbing you

    What are dreams ?

    Why you experiance a depression whose reason is not known to you yet ?

    Why only a particular family or family tree getting vanished off

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